05/08/2024 at 01:00pm | Hull, MA

Cobble Berms in Action: Site Exploration & Municipal Panel

Join the Stone Living Lab, Woods Hole Group, and MA Office of Coastal Zone Management for site exploration of a potential cobble berm and Q&A panel!

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Are you a municipal employee, restoration professional, or community advocate passionate about nature-based approaches? Join the Stone Living Lab, Woods Hole Group, and MA Office of Coastal Zone Management for site exploration of a potential cobble berm and Q&A panel! Hear from local municipal staff from the Town of Hull about the decision-making process for installing nature-based approaches like cobble berms. How are sites chosen? What kinds of permitting considerations are required? How are local residents involved? Then join staff for a tour of the site for this future nature-based installation.

Who should attend?

  • Environment Department and DPW staff
  • Conservation Commission members
  • Coastal restorationists
  • Coastal nonprofit staff
  • Coastal and intertidal scientists
  • Floodplain managers

Attendees will also be connected with a network of coastal professionals, as well as resources about permitting, implementing, and monitoring NBA.


Find out more and register here.