The following resources were either published by the Stone Living Lab team members, or are closely related to the work the Lab is conducting.


How Shorelines Behave

An overview of how different natural and artificial shorelines behave during storm events.


Top Ten Considerations – Cobble Berm

Factors to keep in mind when considering a cobble berm as a nature-based approach.


Introduction to Cobble Berms

A brief overview of cobble berms as a nature-based approach.


Nature-Based Solutions Story Map (NPS)

Explore this National Park Service compiled story map explaining what nature-based solutions are, along with their potential to address coastal threats in the National Parks.


Beach Profiling in an Urban Harbor via Participatory Science: Bridging Research and Outreach in Boston, Massachusetts, USA

This report from the 2021 Beach Profiling community science project was submitted for presentation at the 2023 Coastal Sediments Conference Series. The report includes results and discussion of the value of community participation in novel research.


Modifications of Coastal Protection Structures to Enhance Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services

This Stone Living Lab-funded study assessed whether innovation in the surface structure or surface composition of vertical concrete shoreline seawalls could enhance intertidal biodiversity compared to plain vertical concrete seawalls and bulkheads.
