2025 Resources

Workshop Agenda

lightning talk recordings coming soon!

2023 Resources

Workshop Agenda


Sierra Muñoz, Northeastern University
Marine Science Center Educator Portal

Bob Chen, UMass Boston and the Stone Living Lab
Assessing Effectiveness in Nature-Based Solutions (16 minutes)

Jack Buckley, Cohasset Center for Student Coastal Research
How we use GIS to advance citizen science literacy

Samantha Paladini, Communities Responding to Extreme Weather (CREW)
Climate Resilience Hub Map

Rising Tides: Combining Youth, Climate, and Music, UMass Boston
8 minute video

Aimee Bonanno, UMass Boston
Increasing Diversity in Your Programs

Aimee Bonanno, UMass Boston; Mass College of Art; Neighborhood of Affordable Housing
Designing Sustainable Shorelines with Art, Design, Science, and Local Knowledge

Heather O’Brien, Eastie Farm
Climate Literacy in an Urban Environment

2022 Resources

Our first Education Workshop took place on February 15, 2022. See below for the workshop agenda, lightning talk recordings, and resources for the lightning talks.

Workshop Agenda

Lightning Talk Recordings

Session I

Session II

Session III


Resources and materials for the morning lightning talks are below.
Eric Carstens, Bow Seat Ocean Awareness Programs: Climate Science and the Arts: Using Creative Communication for Our Blue Planet
Bob Chen, UMass Boston and the Stone Living Lab: Social Networks in Ocean Education
Amy Eynatian, The Trustees of Reservations: The Trustees Waterfront Ambassadors Program
Brittany Hoffnagle, Woods Hole Group: Developing Climate Change and Coastal Resiliency Curriculum in Sandwich
Dira Johanif, Charles River Watershed Association: Green Infrastructure Ambassador Program
Maria Lyons, Mt. Alvernia Academy: Saving the North Atlantic Right Whale
Annie O’Connell, University of Massachusetts Boston: Community Science in Boston: Beach Profiling
Sylvia Scharf, Environmental Solutions Initiative – MIT: Sea Level Rise: Multimedia activities for high school students from MIT’s Environmental Solutions Initiative