Cobble Berms in Action Site Visit: Monitoring and Maintenance

Join the Stone Living Lab, Woods Hole Group, and MA Office of Coastal Zone Management for an in-depth exploration of a cobble berm!

Join the Stone Living Lab, Woods Hole Group, and MA Office of Coastal Zone Management for an in-depth exploration of a cobble berm!
Are you a municipal employee, restoration professional, or community advocate passionate about nature-based approaches? Join the Stone Living Lab, Woods Hole Group, and MA Office of Coastal Zone Management for an informational field trip to Duxbury Beach! Learn about and try monitoring techniques used by coastal professionals, including salt marsh surveying, drone surveys, and more. We’ll also dive into maintenance requirements for cobble berms, and how to track success. Attendees will also be connected with a network of coastal professionals, as well as resources about permitting, implementing, and monitoring NBA.