Seminar: Commonwealth Climate Chief Melissa Hoffer

Join us Thursday, September 19 from 2:00-3:00pm for this free virtual seminar to hear Chief Hoffer talk about climate resilience throughout the state.

Join us Thursday, September 19 from 2:00-3:00pm for this free virtual seminar to hear Chief Hoffer talk about climate resilience throughout the state.
Melissa Hoffer, the Commonwealth of Massachusetts’ first ever Climate Chief, joins us for our September Stone Living Lab seminar!
Join us Thursday, September 19 from 2:00-3:00pm for this free virtual event to hear Chief Hoffer talk about climate resilience throughout the state.
Melissa Hoffer is Massachusetts’ first ever Climate Chief. She joined the Biden Administration as a Day 1 political appointee, serving as the Acting General Counsel and Principal Deputy General Counsel of the Environmental Protection Agency. She led the EPA’s Office of General Counsel through the transition until November 2021, and continued to serve as Principal Deputy General Counsel. Prior to that, she worked in the Massachusetts Attorney General’s Office as Chief of the Environmental Protection Division beginning in 2012 and was named Chief of AG Healey’s newly formed Energy and Environment Bureau in 2015. Hoffer oversaw the work of the Bureau’s attorneys on matters including prosecuting civil and criminal enforcement of environmental laws, proceedings before the DPU, energy policy, and defensive cases. She led the Office’s litigation against ExxonMobil for deceiving Massachusetts investors and consumers about the risk climate change poses to Exxon’s business and global financial markets, and the impacts of its fossil fuel products on climate change. Prior to joining the Attorney General’s Office, Hoffer held senior roles at the Conservation Law Foundation and practiced for many years as a litigator and environmental lawyer at WilmerHale. She also served as a law clerk for the Honorable Magistrate Judge Joyce London Alexander, Boston Federal District Court. She received a J.D. from Northeastern University School of Law, Certificate in Environmental Management from Tufts University, M.Ed. from the University of Massachusetts, and B.A. from Hampshire College. In her spare time, she raises a small herd of Nigerian Dwarf dairy goats at her farm in Barre, Massachusetts