UMass Boston is Hiring! Professor of Coastal Resilience

The School for the Environment is seeking an outstanding individual at the full professor level to become the Distinguished Professor of Coastal Resilience with a specific expertise in nature-based approaches, to begin September 1, 2024. The University’s location with its main campus on Boston Harbor and its field station on Nantucket makes it ideal for the study of coastal ocean processes and the impacts of and adaptations for sea-level rise. We seek a climate change adaptation expert who can interact with colleagues who emphasize the biological, geological, engineering, socio-economic, and planning impacts of climate change with an emphasis in coastal urban systems. This Distinguished Professor will analyze and/or model the effects of storms, sea-level rise, and warming oceans on macrotidal northeastern estuaries (developed and undeveloped) and coastal oceans and take on a leadership role in the Stone Living Lab ( The Stone Living Lab is a natural laboratory comprised of Boston Harbor and its Islands for the study of the role of nature-based solutions on reducing the risk of present and increased coastal flooding under present and future climates. Strong opportunities exist to work with the Stone Living Lab partners, the Mass Bays National Estuary Partnership, the Urban Harbors Institute, and the Beacon blue tech lab, all within the School for the Environment. The School for the Environment seeks a colleague who will leverage state-of-the-art laboratory and field-based facilities and our nationally recognized academic programs in the environmental and marine sciences, to advance coastal resilience science at the local and global levels.
For more information, and to apply, visit: