Opportunity: Seasonal Biological Monitoring Technicians in the Byrnes Lab

Note, this Berm position will start as soon as technicians are available to be hired and lasts one month. Please submit a letter of inquiry to jarrett.byrnes@umb.edu at your earliest convenience. If availability permits, Berm technicians could also work on the intertidal monitoring project.
In these positions, technicians will assist in the intertidal and subtidal monitoring efforts with the Byrnes lab either on the rocky seawalls and shorelines of Boston. Berms starts ASAP and the intertidal and LSW projects hire from June 3 – Aug 30st. Duties include, but are not limited to, conducting algal and invertebrate surveys in the intertidal, boat and dive tending, ROV operations, species identification, and data entry.
We hope to hire at least two technician who will also be able to perform SCUBA surveys as part of the Harbor Islands monitoring program (see qualifications below) as part of the team, but this is not required for applying.
Deadlines: For the Berms position, contact ASAP.
Qualifications: The ideal candidate will need to be able to work as part of a field research team, with solid communication skills. Candidates should have familiarity with marine environments – either a degree or working towards a degree with a marine science focus – have a strong attention to detail, and confidence to handle difficult field conditions in collaboration with a supervisor. The seasonal technician should be able to spend long periods of time outdoors, be able to lift 50 lbs., and is expected to work 40 hrs a week, Monday to Friday, with the exception of holidays. Some early morning hours or working through weekends will be required due to tidal schedules, with concomitant time off. Scientific diving certification is required for candidates interested in conducting SCUBA surveys.
Salary: The salary for these positions is $10,00 for the summer with $4,000 per month additional for the Berms projects. The positions are non-benefitted.
Covid Precautions: As the candidates will be working both on campus and on small boats with members of the team, we request that they are fully vaccinated prior to starting the position, as requested for all UMB on campus employees.
Application: Please send a cover letter and CV to jarrett.byrnes@umb.edu with the subject line SLL Technician. Include Berms if applicable. Applications will be considered up to end of day Friday May 17th. Interviews will be conducted promptly, as we realize this is a tight turnaround.
Further information: For further information or questions, contact jarrett.byrnes@umb.edu