Sarah J. White

Sarah White is the Director of Climate Resilience for the Massachusetts Department of Conservation and Recreation (DCR). She is focused on developing and implementing an agency framework while ensuring that climate change considerations are incorporated into agency initiatives and projects. Advances current research and policy initiatives on climate change including effective mitigation and adaptation practices,

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Radar Tide Gauge

Boston Harbor Educators Workshop 2023

Dr. Bob Chen UMass Boston The Second Annual Stone Living Lab Educators Workshop was held on February, 22, 2023. The goals for the Workshop were to 1) share programs and effective practices, 2) strengthen connections among existing programs, 3) innovate new programs in and around Boston Harbor, and 4) optimize collective impact. The first half

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Cathy Stone

Cathy Stone is president of the James M. and Cathleen D. Stone Foundation. She has a B.A. and J.D. from American University and an L.L.M. from Georgetown University Law Center. She was of counsel and a past partner of the Boston law firm Foley, Hoag & Eliot where her practice encompassed environmental and administrative law issues. In 1994, she was appointed

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Adventures in Aerial Droning

By Rebecca Shoer Cabot Education and Community Engagement Program Manager Here at the Stone Living Lab, we love getting into the field. Wading through marshes, peering into tidepools, flying drones – this is the kind of science that excites us and lets us bring our work into the real world. As we develop and monitor climate adaptation

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Developing Robust Policies for Nature-Based Solutions for Coastal Flood Protection in Boston


Lab Details

Meteorological Station

Cobble Berm Monitoring Project Update: Focus Group Kickoff!

Kirk Bosma Woods Hole Group As part of a Massachusetts Coastal Zone Management (MACZM) Coastal Resiliency Grant, Woods Hole Group, the Stone Living Lab, and MACZM are developing a series of educational workshops and training sessions for municipal staff and employees. These workshops are focused on providing deeper information on nature-based approaches (NBA), and specifically

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