A Week in Place: the 2023 Teacher Institute
Reflections from our second year of the Summer Teacher Institute by Summer Fellow Daria Healey!
Reflections from our second year of the Summer Teacher Institute by Summer Fellow Daria Healey!
The City of Boston is experiencing climate change and taking action to build urban resiliency through their Climate Ready Boston initiative. In Season 6, Episode 2 of the EWN® Podcast, Host Sarah Thorne is joined by Co-host Andrew McQueen, Research Biologist in the Environmental Laboratory of the Engineer Research and Development Center, USACE, and Joe Christo, Managing Director of the Stone Living Lab in Boston, Massachusetts.
This spring, SLL and National Parks Service (NPS) staff created and piloted a series of brand-new lessons with fifth graders at Samuel Adams Elementary in East Boston. We used phenology to answer the question: "How do we know something is changing?"
This year we are thrilled to welcome two summer staff members to the Lab: Sarah Hope and Daria Healey! They are joining the Education and Engagement team to bring our programming to all kinds of events and communities this summer, as well as supporting our second Teacher Institute
Join the Stone Living Lab, Woods Hole Group, Duxbury Beach Reservation, and MA Office of Coastal Zone Management for one of four educational field trips this season!
Reflections from our second annual Educators Workshop.
Woods Hole Group, the SLL, and MA Coastal Zone Management hosted two focus groups to help guide our work in education and outreach for coastal resilience professionals!
The Stone Living Lab is thrilled to announce Charles Sams, Director of the National Park Service will join our keynote panel on Indigenous knowledge at our 2023 Conference, Nature-Based Coastal Resilience in Urban Settings.
The Stone Living Lab is thrilled to announce Melissa Hoffer, Massachusetts’ first ever Climate Chief, will join us as a Keynote Speaker during our April 2023 Conference, Nature-Based Coastal Resilience in Urban Settings.