06/06/2023 | Education

Welcoming Summer Staff!

This year we are thrilled to welcome two summer staff members to the Lab: Sarah Hope and Daria Healey! They are joining the Education and Engagement team to bring our programming to all kinds of events and communities this summer, as well as supporting our second Teacher Institute

Sharing Nature-based Approaches with Communities

Join the Stone Living Lab, Woods Hole Group, Duxbury Beach Reservation, and MA Office of Coastal Zone Management for one of four educational field trips this season!

Boston Harbor Educators Workshop 2023

Reflections from our second annual Educators Workshop.

A close-up image of a wrack line with shells, dry grass, and seaweed along the shore.

Cobble Berm Monitoring Project Update: Focus Group Kickoff!

Woods Hole Group, the SLL, and MA Coastal Zone Management hosted two focus groups to help guide our work in education and outreach for coastal resilience professionals!

04/13/2023 | Conference, Education, Policy

Park Service Director Charles Sams Joins Keynote Panel at 2023 Conference

The Stone Living Lab is thrilled to announce Charles Sams, Director of the National Park Service will join our keynote panel on Indigenous knowledge at our 2023 Conference, Nature-Based Coastal Resilience in Urban Settings.

03/08/2023 | Conference, Education, Policy

Commonwealth’s Climate Chief Melissa Hoffer to Deliver Keynote Address at 2023 Conference

The Stone Living Lab is thrilled to announce Melissa Hoffer, Massachusetts’ first ever Climate Chief, will join us as a Keynote Speaker during our April 2023 Conference, Nature-Based Coastal Resilience in Urban Settings.

Two woman stand behind a table that says "Stone Living Lab." A large light-up globe is behind them.
12/29/2022 | Education, Research

Taking Root: Our Second Year of Education & Engagement

For the Lab’s Education and Engagement program, 2022 brought us many wonderful opportunities to engage with Bostonians and visitors of all ages across the Harbor!

Stone Living Lab Named Host Committee Member of The Earthshot Prize, Boston 2022

The Stone Living Lab is delighted to be a member of the Host Committee for The Earthshot Prize, Boston 2022!

Three people stand on a beach, two holding vertical beach profiling rods while the third writes on a clipboard.
11/29/2022 | Education, Research

Beach Profiling Highlighted at Coastal Sediments 2023 Conference

Results from our beach profiling project have been selected to be presented at the 2023 Coastal Sediments conference this coming April in New Orleans, Louisiana!