Visit the Lab’s Climate Carts!
Every other Friday through September 2, join SLL at our climate carts to experiment with erosion, create climate art, or discover how warming oceans will affect our marine neighbors.
Every other Friday through September 2, join SLL at our climate carts to experiment with erosion, create climate art, or discover how warming oceans will affect our marine neighbors.
We mounted photostations at UMass Boston and in Duxbury to monitor coastal change. Anyone can take a photo of these sites to help paint a picture of coastal change over time!
The Lab announces the hiring of two new directors. Joe Christo will become the Lab’s Managing Director and Melanie Gárate will become the Lab’s new Director of Climate Engagement.
Lab director Paul Kirshen co-authored a new report with Ellen Douglas on the impacts of climate change on the Greater Boston area. Read more about the impacts of storms, precipitation, and floods in this hot off the press article!
Erosion has been the topic of conversation for many Cape Codders in the wake of the last few storms. The Outer Cape in particular has taken a beating. Watch Dr. Mark Borrelli, Lab Research Director, discuss sea level rise and erosion for Lower Cape TV.
Researchers utilized an aerial drone to collect high-resolution imagery both above ground and underwater, allowing us to see how seasonal change and storms affect the harbor every year.
In late 2021, the Stone Living Lab deployed two Acoustic Doppler Current Profilers, or ADCPs, in the Boston Harbor area. These instruments will provide us with critical information about Boston Harbor and how winter storms affect its waters.
Read an overview about the Lab's education and public engagement programs that happened during 2021.
The Duxbury Beach Reservation is moving forward with plans to create a nature-based approach consisting of a cobble berm, dune restoration, and abutment protection to address erosion concerns.