UMass Boston is Hiring! Professor of Coastal Resilience

UMass Boston is hiring a Professor of Coastal Resilience to work with the Stone Living Lab!

Cobble Berm Monitoring Project Update: Completion of Year One

78 unique individuals representing 41 different organizations across the Commonwealth took part in the first year of our educational field trips this summer.

The Lab in the Netherlands

Explore photos from our Managing Director's September 2023 visit to the Netherlands

Stone Living Lab joins 2023 Climate Beacon Conference Steering Committee

The Stone Living Lab has joined the steering committee for the 2023 Climate Beacon Conference to be held in Boston October 10 & 11.

A Week in Place: the 2023 Teacher Institute

Reflections from our second year of the Summer Teacher Institute by Summer Fellow Daria Healey!

The Engineering with Nature Podcast: Nature-Based Coastal Resilience in Urban Settings

The City of Boston is experiencing climate change and taking action to build urban resiliency through their Climate Ready Boston initiative. In Season 6, Episode 2 of the EWN® Podcast, Host Sarah Thorne is joined by Co-host Andrew McQueen, Research Biologist in the Environmental Laboratory of the Engineer Research and Development Center, USACE, and Joe Christo, Managing Director of the Stone Living Lab in Boston, Massachusetts.

Sharing Nature-based Approaches with Communities

Join the Stone Living Lab, Woods Hole Group, Duxbury Beach Reservation, and MA Office of Coastal Zone Management for one of four educational field trips this season!

A close-up image of a wrack line with shells, dry grass, and seaweed along the shore.

Cobble Berm Monitoring Project Update: Focus Group Kickoff!

Woods Hole Group, the SLL, and MA Coastal Zone Management hosted two focus groups to help guide our work in education and outreach for coastal resilience professionals!

All Storms are Local: The December 23rd 2022 Storm in Boston Harbor

New data from the SLL's Boston Harbor buoy is shedding light on how winter storms affect Boston Harbor.