Coastal Surge Investigators: Join Stone Living Lab in New Community Science Opportunity

Kayla Bradley UMass Boston   As part of the Stone Living Lab’s ongoing mission to collaborate with coastal communities, the University of Massachusetts Boston and the SLL staff began a new citizen/community science project to study the impact of coastal storm flooding in Boston. The project, Coastal Surge Investigators (CSI) is the third of a

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Seminar: Christian Krahforst

October’s Stone Living Lab Seminar will feature the Town of Hull’s Director of Climate Adaptation & Conservation, Christian Krahforst, PhD.  Christian will discuss the potential for nourishment on Nantasket Beach, dune restoration work, a potential cobble-berm site, and a brief overview of developing an adaptation roadmap on the neighborhood scale (including the topic of planned

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Seminar: Jessica Lillquist

The Lab’s April seminar presentation will be an overview of Jessica Lillquist’s doctoral research: Understanding Opportunities and Limitations of Nature-based Strategies for Transformative Adaptation: An Examination of Stakeholder Values and Evolving Social Contracts in the Case Study of Boston. Jessica is a doctoral student at the University of Massachusetts Boston in the School for the

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Mark Borrelli

Dr. Mark Borrelli is a Coastal Geologist. In 2018 he became the founding Director of the Coastal Processes and Ecosystems Laboratory, or CaPE Lab, a joint research effort between the School for the Environment within the University of Massachusetts at Boston and the Center for Coastal Studies in Provincetown, Massachusetts. He has been the Director

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Modifications of Coastal Protection Structures to Enhance Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services

A Comparison of Durability and Recruitment Rate for Reef Mimics Constructed from Marine Concrete and CaCO3-Enriched Concrete

Force of Nature

By Lisa Allen The Boston Harbor Islands are a natural barrier to storm-driven waves and offer a perfect setting for research into nature-based methods for enhancing their protective features. As cities around the world look to seawalls and other costly, invasive structures to fend off rising oceans, superior fixes may be hiding in plain sight—just

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Cobble Berm Monitoring Project Update: Focus Group Kickoff!

Kirk Bosma Woods Hole Group As part of a Massachusetts Coastal Zone Management (MACZM) Coastal Resiliency Grant, Woods Hole Group, the Stone Living Lab, and MACZM are developing a series of educational workshops and training sessions for municipal staff and employees. These workshops are focused on providing deeper information on nature-based approaches (NBA), and specifically

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