Elizabeth Solomon

Elizabeth Solomon is an enrolled member of the Massachusett Tribe at Ponkapoag and volunteers to represent the Massachusett Tribe and indigenous interests on the Stone Living Lab Steering Committee. Ms. Solomon speaks frequently about local indigenous issues and has a long-standing commitment to human rights, diversity, inclusion, and community building that she brings to both

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Marianne Connolly

Marianne Connolly is an environmental consultant with over 30 years of government experience and now works with the staff of Boston Harbor Now as a member of the Stone Living Lab Project Team. She spent most of her professional career with the Massachusetts Water Resources Authority, the Metropolitan District Commission, and Coastal Zone Management focused

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Kathy Abbott

Kathy Abbott is the first President and CEO of Boston Harbor Now. Kathy began her career on the Harbor Islands as a park ranger in college. As President and CEO, she is responsible for working with the board and staff to create a welcoming and resilient harbor that benefits everyone in the Greater Boston region.

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Sarah J. White

Sarah White is the Director of Climate Resilience for the Massachusetts Department of Conservation and Recreation (DCR). She is focused on developing and implementing an agency framework while ensuring that climate change considerations are incorporated into agency initiatives and projects. Advances current research and policy initiatives on climate change including effective mitigation and adaptation practices,

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Measuring Change with Boston Students

By Rebecca Shoer Cabot Education and Community Engagement Program Manager This spring, we were lucky enough to partner with our colleagues at National Parks of Boston to bring the Stone Living Lab into the classroom! Working with the O’Donnell Elementary School in East Boston, Jen Antocci (Boston Harbor Now), Cathy Radonic (National Park Service), and

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2022 Research Highlights

by Rebecca Shoer Education & Engagement Program Manager   This past year was an exciting one for Lab researchers, as our climate resilience work throughout Boston Harbor continues to grow and develop! Lab scientists collected data across the harbor, launched new projects, and developed new partnerships to expand our work with others around Boston and beyond.

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Team Landing

Paul Kirshen

Paul Kirshen is Professor of Climate Adaptation in the School for the Environment at University of Massachusetts Boston and Research Director of the Stone Living Lab. He has more than 40 years of experience serving as Principal Investigator of complex, interdisciplinary, participatory research related to water resources, coastal zone, and infrastructure management, and climate variability

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2021 Conference:

Kristin Uiterwyk

Kristin Uiterwyk has more than 15 years of professional experience working in ocean and coastal policy and planning. As the Associate Director of the Stone Living Lab, Kristin coordinates the many partners of the Lab, and advances Lab initiatives. As the Director of the Urban Harbors Institute at UMass Boston, Kristin leads a team of

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