01/04/2023 | Research

2022 Research Highlights

This past year was an exciting one for Lab researchers, as our knowledge about Boston Harbor continues to grow and develop! Lab scientists collected data across the harbor, launched new projects, and developed new partnerships to expand our work with others around Boston and beyond.

Two woman stand behind a table that says "Stone Living Lab." A large light-up globe is behind them.
12/29/2022 | Education, Research

Taking Root: Our Second Year of Education & Engagement

For the Lab’s Education and Engagement program, 2022 brought us many wonderful opportunities to engage with Bostonians and visitors of all ages across the Harbor!

Stone Living Lab Announces Partnership with 2021 Earthshot Prize Finalist Living Seawalls

Stone Living Lab Named Host Committee Member of The Earthshot Prize, Boston 2022

The Stone Living Lab is delighted to be a member of the Host Committee for The Earthshot Prize, Boston 2022!

Three people stand on a beach, two holding vertical beach profiling rods while the third writes on a clipboard.
11/29/2022 | Education, Research

Beach Profiling Highlighted at Coastal Sediments 2023 Conference

Results from our beach profiling project have been selected to be presented at the 2023 Coastal Sediments conference this coming April in New Orleans, Louisiana!

A close-up image of a wrack line with shells, dry grass, and seaweed along the shore.

Intense Intertidal Temperatures

From July 19th – July 26th, Boston experienced a memorable weeklong heatwave with air temperatures well over 90°F every day, even topping out at 100°F on July 24th. We typically think of the coast as a place to cool down, but our sensors revealed that our intertidal sites were experiencing extreme heat, too.

Stone Living Lab Awards Three Research Grants to Study Social and Economic Impacts of Climate Change

Stone Living Lab has announced the award of three research grants to study the social and economic impacts of “nature-based” approaches to coastal flood protection.

Help Monitor Coastal Change by Visiting Our New Photostations!

We mounted photostations at UMass Boston and in Duxbury to monitor coastal change. Anyone can take a photo of these sites to help paint a picture of coastal change over time!

Stone Living Lab Hires Two New Leaders!

The Lab announces the hiring of two new directors. Joe Christo will become the Lab’s Managing Director and Melanie Gárate will become the Lab’s new Director of Climate Engagement.